
ruth allen is an artist and yoga instructor drawing and painting and stretching and teaching and living in a little green house with a little white hound in the southern US. Her artwork exists on paper, wood, canvas, ceramics, textiles, and the blockchain. She has been planting seeds by practising and teaching yoga for the last 27 years. She has written, illustrated and self published one children’s book, illustrated one Korean book + a second book cover, created hand drawn and digital art for a music video and an album cover and a digital collage for a book of poetry. She has been showing and selling paintings since October 2008, minting stills, gifs and small animations of her work since February 2019 and exploring AI since fall of that year. Currently investigating the interplay of spirit, nature, analog and digital via AI art, collage, gif and a little glitch and really getting into cutting paper, animation and meditation.